August 21, 2023The Aviation: a classic gin cocktail that will take you to new heights!Tagged: Tagged: Classic Cocktails,Classic Cocktails,Featured Classic,Featured Classic,Purple Cocktails,Purple Cocktails,Creme de Violette,Creme de Violette,A-Z of Classic Gin CocktailsA-Z of Classic Gin CocktailsRead MoreRead More
September 12, 2022New Gin Mocktail Alert: You will not believe this Blueberry Gin Sour Fizz is alcohol-free!Tagged: Tagged: Alcohol-free gin,Alcohol-free gin,Non-alcoholic cocktails,Non-alcoholic cocktails,Mocktails,Mocktails,Purple Cocktails,Purple Cocktails,September 2022September 2022Read MoreRead More
April 30, 2021A Flower Power Martini is an easy showstopper for spring!Tagged: Tagged: Purple Cocktails,Purple Cocktails,Creme de Violette,Creme de Violette,Martinis,Martinis,easy cocktails,easy cocktails,Showstopper cocktailsShowstopper cocktailsRead MoreRead More
April 30, 2021How to make a delicious Parma Violet Gin & Tonic (that doesn't taste like soap!)Tagged: Tagged: G&Ts,G&Ts,Featured G&T,Featured G&T,gin and tonic recipes,gin and tonic recipes,creative gin and tonic,creative gin and tonic,Creme de Violette,Creme de Violette,Purple CocktailsPurple CocktailsRead MoreRead More
June 6, 2020Celebrate the iconic superstar Prince with this Purple Rain gin cocktail!Tagged: Tagged: Purple Cocktails,Purple Cocktails,Showstopper cocktails,Showstopper cocktails,ShowstoppersShowstoppersRead MoreRead More
May 20, 2020These 8 purple gin cocktails prove that lilac is the new pink!Tagged: Tagged: Purple Cocktails,Purple Cocktails,Showstopper cocktails,Showstopper cocktails,ShowstoppersShowstoppersRead MoreRead More
August 6, 2019Make magic with this violet beauty...Tagged: Tagged: GOTM Cocktail,GOTM Cocktail,Purple Cocktails,Purple Cocktails,Showstoppers,Showstoppers,Spring Cocktails,Spring Cocktails,Manly GinManly GinRead MoreRead More
May 7, 2019Like all the best things, this exquisitely elegant cocktail is more than just a pretty faceTagged: Tagged: Cocktail of the Week,Cocktail of the Week,Spring Cocktails,Spring Cocktails,Purple Cocktails,Purple Cocktails,GOTM CocktailGOTM CocktailRead MoreRead More