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5 Easy Ways to Help Save the Amazon!

5 Easy Ways to Help Save the Amazon!

Jan 31, 2019

Feeling GINspired by Craft Gin Club’s January’s Gin of The Month, which has botanicals from the Amazon Rainforest? Here are 5 easy ways you can help make a positive difference to the planet – including by GINdulging in a naughty but nice eco-friendly tipple!

Toast Mother Nature

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Gin lovers look for any excuse to whip up a tipple, but the more discerning drinker gives their cocktails an Eco-conscious twist. Waste not, want not with zero-waste cocktails. Lower your energy footprint by utilising scraps often discarded, like beetroot juice in a Beet Royale and leftover citrus peels to garnish G&Ts.

The Future of Food

If you enjoy great South American produce, it’s important to support sustainable farming. One way to do so is to buy products which have been marked with the Rainforest Alliance Frog Seal, which you’ll be able to spot in almost every supermarket.

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Iain Patton of the Rainforest Alliance explains: “Rainforest Alliance Certified products, from bananas, coffee, tea and cocoa are grown on farms that meet social and environmental standards designed to protect forests, soil, water, wildlife and the people and communities who live and work in forests.”

Why not sign up for the 30-Day Sustainability Challenge? As Iain says, “You’ll “receive a step-by-step guide on how to ‘follow the frog’ to a better tomorrow.” Find out more about it here!

Meatless Mondays!

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Sarah Hutchinson, WWF Head of Programmes, Latin America suggests, “moderating meat consumption in favour of a more plant-based diet.” While eating meat is a big part of British cuisine, Mother Earth will thank you for curbing how much you consume. Cattle ranchers have cut millions of square miles of forests to create grazing land. Raising animals for eating creates as much greenhouse gas as all the cars and trucks in the world. We’re not saying you have to go completely meatless, but fight global warming with meat-free Mondays!

Small Steps

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As the first woman to run the length of South America, Katherine Lowrie knows that real change is the sum of lots of small steps. Why not cycle to work to reduce your carbon footprint?

Other small acts like, reducing your energy use by turning off appliances when you’re not using them, and making greener choices about your transport options, can make a difference – even though you won’t even notice the difference in your own life!

The World’s Champion

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Find and support a foundation that works with Amazonian sustainability first-hand. For example, adopt a jaguar with WWF. Sarah says doings so “helps our vital work to protect some of the world's most vulnerable animals. Adopters get a welcome pack with facts about the species, a cuddly toy and 3 updates a year from the field on the work they are helping make possible.”