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Total flexibility, no commitment

A world of unique, crafted spirits

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Total flexibility, no commitment

A world of unique, crafted spirits

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Is your train delayed? You can now get a FREE G&T!

Is your train delayed? You can now get a FREE G&T!

Jan 31, 2018

Wouldn't it be nice if all of life's little grievances could be made better with a nice G&T?

For example - each time you get a cold call about PPI, you're rewarded with gin. Or, when the extremely courteous driver of the 4x4 decides to park across two spaces...don't worry - here's a gin. And those painful moments when you're already late for work and find out, on arrival at the station, your train is delayed...numb that pain with a nice big G&T! 

Well...hold on to your hats gin lovers as one of these scenarios could become a reality thanks to the GIN-ius idea behind campaign: #YayDelay.

london train station

Commuters will be rewarded a voucher for either a half price or free gin and tonic by simply tweeting #YayDelay when their train is delayed.

And now for the science bit...

The service uses an intelligent algorithm to monitor real-time delays and tweets containing the hashtag #YayDelay in order to unlock the deal for disgruntled passengers.

The service launches this Friday at London's Waterloo, but the plan is to go live across the country throughout the year.

Gin and tonic in a copa glass with stirrer and lemon

If you want to wash away the pain of the daily (delayed) commute, train passengers are encouraged to tweet #YayDelay throughout 2018 to lobby for their station to be included in the service.

Be sure to check to see if the volume of train delays and tweets triggers a free G&T for you! The voucher you receive can be claimed online and then redeemed at The Beer House within the station.

Now we just need to work on those pesky sales calls!