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A Lady of Gin toast to International Women's Day

A Lady of Gin toast to International Women's Day

Mar 8, 2016
lady of gin shortcross gin

Today marks International Women's Day (IWD) - a chance to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.

The theme of this year's IWD is #PledgeforParity, with the aim of helping to accelerate gender parity around the the world, to help women and girls achieve their ambitions, in whatever sphere they choose to pursue.

One sphere particularly close to our own hearts is, of course distilling. While this has traditionally been a male-dominated field, more and more women are not only entering the industry but also playing leading roles within it. We're also very pleased to report that they are increasingly responsible for making some of our favourite craft gins!

One of those, of course, is our March Gin of the Month from Shortcross Gin - a very special spirit that was the brainchild of Fiona Boyd-Armstrong - otherwise known as @LadyofGin . For her, establishing the Rademon Estate Distillery with her husband and business partner, David, was the fulfilment of a long-held ambition of "bringing the lost art of distilling back to Northern Ireland," something that the Shortcross team have achieved with great success.

You can read more about Fiona and David's story here - and as you do, why not sit back and enjoy one of Fiona's favourite cocktails, the Rademon Lady, and raise a toast to International Women's Day. Cheers!

rademon lady shortcross gin

The Rademon Lady

50ml Shortcross Wild Clover Gin 
25ml Triple Sec
25ml Lemon Juice 
Egg White
Star Anise garnish

Mix the ingredients in a shaker which is half full of ice. Strain and serve in a sugar-rimmed glass. Garnish with star anise.