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Cocktail of the Week: The Guernsey Mojito with Blue Bottle Gin and Rocquette Cider

Cocktail of the Week: The Guernsey Mojito with Blue Bottle Gin and Rocquette Cider

Oct 8, 2015
blue bottle gin

A few months ago, a study by on-trade consultancy CGA Strategy found that the mojito is the UK public’s most preferred drink, a discovery that we at the Craft Gin Club had trouble believing seeing as rum - the base alcohol of the Cuban drink - is certainly not a spirit from the British Isles. So we were very excited to see that our Gin of the Month, Blue Bottle, has taken the Caribbean cocktail and transformed it into a Guernsey great! Red’s Grill House and Cocktail Bar in St. Peter Port invented a version of the mojito using almost exclusively products from the island, including its only gin from the Three Fingers Distillery, Rocquette Cider, and Guernsey Apple Juice, both from the Meller farm. As Craft Gin Club Members have both Blue Bottle and Rocquette Cider in their surprise gin parcels this October and the other ingredients are easily obtainable, they're giving it a shot? Could the Guernsey Mojito rival your love of Gin & Tonic?

blue bottle gin mojito cocktail

Guernsey Mojito

50ml Blue Bottle Gin
40ml Guernsey Apple Juice
Rocquette Cider
15ml Apple liqueur
1 lime, quartered
Handful of fresh mint sprigs
2 brown sugar cubes
Crushed ice

Add limes, mint and brown sugar to mixing glass. Add Guernsey Apple Juice to glass. Muddle ingredients together to squeeze lime juice out and blend flavours together. Fill glass to top with crushed ice. Add gin and apple liqueur. Shake mixture and pour into highball glass. Top off with Rocquette Cider.